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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How does Homeopathy Works ?

Hasil carian imej untuk samuel hannemen

Law Of Similarity - Like Cures Like

According to homeopathic understanding, that which a substance is capable of causing, it is also capable of curing.

The name homeopathy, coined by its originator Samuel Hahnemann, is derived from the Greek words for ‘similar suffering’ referring to the ‘like cures like’ principle of healing. ‘Like cures like’ can be looked at in several ways. One way is to assume that the body knows what it is doing and that symptoms are its way of taking action to overcome illness. This healing response is automatic in living organisms; we call it the ‘vital response’. The similar medicine acts as a stimulus to the natural vital response, giving it the encouragement it needs to complete its healing work. Since the initial action of the vital response plus the medicine is to increase the strength of the symptoms, this is our first indication of internal healing taking place, of diseases being cured from within – pushed outwards along established routes of past and present symptoms.

Before the medicines can be prescribed, their curative powers are discovered by testing them out on healthy human subjects and carefully noting emotional, mental and physical changes. This is called a ‘proving’. This information constitutes the basis for ‘like cures like’, for a medicine’s unique symptom picture must match an individual’s unique expression of illness, that is, the present and persisting symptoms of disease.

We can also understand the law of similars in terms of homeodynamis - the body’s way of maintaining health. When a person becomes ill there is an imbalance; for example if you had a fright one night and the next few evenings you had insomnia this could be considered normal as you adjust and return to health. If the insomnia continues, however, then homeodynamis has not taken place and you have become stuck, you are not in the flow of life. Health is characterised by a flow of vitality.

“By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured”. Hippocrates (460-377 BC), ‘Father of Medicine’.
                                               Hasil carian imej untuk samuel hannemen  

Hasil carian imej untuk homeopathic medicine

How does Homeopathic Medicine Works?

Some homeopathic medicines are at low enough dilutions to contain molecules of the original substance (usually a plant or mineral) from which they are made, but others are diluted beyond the point at which you expect any molecules of the original substance to be present; it is these ‘high dilutions’ which make homeopathy controversial in certain circles.

Homeopathic medicine presents a significantly different pharmacological approach to treating sick people. Instead of using strong and powerful doses of medicinal agents that have a broad-spectrum effect on a wide variety of people with a similar disease, homeopaths use extremely small doses of medicinal substances that are highly individualized to a person's physical and psychological syndrome of disease, not simply an assumed localized pathology.

Homeopathic medicines are so small in dose that it is appropriate to refer to them as a part of the newly defined field of “nanopharmacology” (the prefix “nano” derives from Latin and means dwarf; today, the prefix is used to refer to “nanotechnology” or the “nanosciences” which explore the use of extremely small technologies or processes, at least one-billionth of a unit, designated as 10 -9). To understand the nature and the degree of homeopathy's nanopharmacology, it is important to know the following characteristics of how homeopathic medicines are made.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Mempunyai wajah yang cantik dan kulit yang licin merupakan dambaan setiap wanita. Pelbagai cara dilakukan untuk kelihatan cantik walaupun mahal dan berisiko namun demi kelihatan cantik mereka sanggup melakukannya. Ubat-ubatan, supplement, suntikan vitamin, suntikan botox hinggalah pembedahan boleh menelan belanja tinggi selain risiko yang perlu diambil kira kerana terdapat pelbagai produk-produk dan perawat palsu.

Akupunktur yang kita tahu digunakan untuk tujuan pemulihan masalah berkaitan kesihatan serta masalah berkaitan saraf.
Kini Akupunktur digunakan secara meluas dalam bidang kecantikan. Kaedah ini dinamakan KOSMETIK AKUPUNKTUR. Kaedah ini menjadi satu alternatif kepada mereka yang ingin kelihatan cantik dan anggun secara natural tanpa kesan sampingan.


Tusukan jarum-jarum halus pada kawasan muka akan merangsang aliran darah dan oksigen di bahagian kulit muka. Cara ini akan menguatkan otot-otot muka seterusnya memperbaiki sel-sel kulit muka. Ini dapat melambatkan proses penuaan dan menghilangkan kedutan.

Jarum-jarum ini biasanya ditusuk di sekitar mata, kening, hidung, mulut,pipi dan di tepi telinga. Akupunktur membantu mengurangkan serta memulihkan masalah jerawat, pigmentasi dan kulit kusam.


Biasanya kesan akupunktur bergantung kepada individu itu sendiri. Secara purata, 8-10 kali terapi (6 minggu) akan menampakkan hasil yang memuaskan. Setiap terapi mengambil masa 30-40 minit.


Harga kos untuk kosmetik akupunktur adalah berpatutan. Di NUR HOUSE OF WELLNESS setiap sesi berharga RM 55.


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